Photo Adventure
- Participants may form teams if desired. However all photos submitted by the team must be taken on a SINGLE device for which EXIF information can be displayed to adventure director.
- Each participant (or team) will be given a ”checklist” of local birds to be found and photographed on a single phone, tablet or camera in a specific time frame (For example: 10am - 12pm).
- All pictures must contain only the qualifying object. Multiple instances of the SAME item within a single picture is allowed (e.g. 2 or more Spoonbills).
- Pictures containing multiple items on the checklist are not allowed
- The checklist item(s) must occupy at least approximately 25% of the unedited camera image.
- Late check-in disqualifies an entire team or single participant from being declared the winner of the adventure.
- Only one free lunch will be awarded to the winning team.
- Teams who do not register for prize money are not eligible to win the prize money ”pot” (if any)